The short film focuses on a story of Saraswati, a lonely widow and Bengali immigrant living in northern England, re-enters her estranged son’s life. When the consequences of her conservative parenting come to light, Saraswati discovers she must set aside her own fears to save their relationship.
The film premiered at the BFI Flare LGBTQIA+ Film Festival in London in March 2024 and is now making its way through a prestigious festival circuit, including: Rio LGBTQ+ Film Festival, Brazil, New Renaissance Film Festival, Amsterdam, Netherlands & London, UK, Gaze LGBTQIA+ Film Festival, Dublin, Ireland, International Kolkata Shorts Film Festival, Kolkata, India, Kolkata Shorts International Film Festival, Kolkata, India, Ayodhya Film Festival, Ayodhya, India, Kashish Pride Film Festival, Mumbai, India, OutSouth Queer Film Festival, Durham, NC, USA, San Antonio QFest LGBT International Film Festival, Texas, USA.
The film won Best LGBTQ+ Short Film at the Ayodhya Film Festival and was nominated for Best LGBTQ+ Short at both the New Renaissance Film Festival in the Netherlands and the UK. Actress Lillette Dubey received the award for Best Character Portrayal at the San Antonio QFest LGBT International Film Festival. Additionally, the film won Best Music at the Kolkata Shorts International Film Festival and at San Antonio QFest.
Kaushik identifies as a QPOC and as a globalist and all his stories have a strong focus on female-led protagonists and explore queerness and contemporary social issues such as corruption, hypocrisy and inequality, but always told with humour or poetry. The Lime Green Shirt is Kaushik’s first film as writer/director.